What is AutPlay Therapy?

AutPlay® Therapy was created by Dr. Robert Jason Grant. It is a neurodiversity affirming framework for implementing play therapy. The AutPlay framework is neurodiversity paradigm informed and designed to help child and play therapists address the mental health needs of neurodivergent children ages 3-18 (autistic children, those with ADHD, social anxiety, sensory differences, learning differences, and developmental and physical disabilities).

AutPlay Therapy is a neurodiversity informed and affirming collaborative process designed to value the individual child and highlight their strengths as well as guide areas of intervention, goals, and approaches for addressing the needs of the child and family.

The therapeutic powers of play (core change agents) are understood in addressing a variety of possible needs including emotional regulation struggles, social navigation needs, engagement/connection growth, anxiety and fear reduction, sensory challenges, executive functioning struggles, depression and self-esteem issues, trauma issues, advocacy, stigmatization, identity appreciation, the social model of disability, autonomy, inclusion needs, and parent/child relationship struggles.

Dr. Robert Jason Grant came to our clinic in July of 2017 and all the therapists at that time completed a two day training to become Certified AutPlay Therapy providers. He recommends that all providers take a refresher course every two years! I just recently completed re-certifying, while supporting another therapist to become certified!

The clinic is currently working on developing a social navigation group for children age 6 to 11, to help neurotypical and neurodivergent children address social navigation needs. We would like to address needs through a neurodiversity affirming process, using a strengths-based approach.  Robert Jason Grant has a new book coming out in the late Fall: AutPlay Therapy Play and Social Groups: A 10 session Model 2nd edition.

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